Saturday: This week's long run called for 17 miles. Like last week, I started the run with BF, who again turned around after 6 miles while I continued on. It was overcast at the beginning, which felt great, but then the sun came out and it was a bit toast on the west side, miles 7-13 or so. But, I felt good! I tried running a chunk without my iPod, since I won't have one during the actual marathon, and I only put the headphones on at about mile 13 for an extra little boost over the last several miles. I ended my run at Gristede's in order to pick up some chocolate milk and a bag of ice for my recovery. I'm really a fan of the ice bath, I definitely think it helps loads to make my legs feel better the day after! 16.75 miles in 2:41 (9:36 mpm)
Sunday: My quads were a bit sore today - nothing too bad but I definitely felt them. I was out of town for the night, so my run wasn't going to happen until the afternoon. And afternoon turned into early evening waiting for the rain to stop. Once it passed, it was still cloudy and a pleasant temperature (if maybe a little too humid) to run. The park was quiet, making the fact my iPod was out of batteries not too torturous - I was able to enjoy the quiet. The first few miles were tough mentally as I tried to get my legs loosened up and prepared for a potential rough 8 miles if they didn't. Over the rolling hills of the park, I found myself more grateful for the uphills than the down, as my quads burned on the declines. I didn't break any speed records, but it was a good run. I'm now appreciative of the fact the long run is supposed to come after this run, normally, as it's tough to do a longer run the day after a long run. 8.3 miles in 1:16:19 (9:09 mpm)
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