Monday, May 14, 2007

The 10-pound hamburger

Yesterday was a day of not-so-nutritional food. The healthiest thing I ate all day was the Fage yogurt/Grape Nuts/strawberries/honey concoction I had for breakfast. After that, it was a day of ballpark food at the Mets game (all worth it: Budweiser, a hot dog, nachos, and Carvel ice cream in a little plastic hat!), bloody Marys enjoyed on the balcony to soak in the last of the sun, and a delicious burger cooked medium-rare with blue cheese and caramelized onions.

I do believe the baseball goodies deposited themselves in my left leg, and the burger in my right leg, because on this morning's run, each leg felt about 10 pounds heavier than normal. They weren't sore, just heavy. I got plenty of sleep, so I think the low-fuel potential of yesterday's food was to blame (and perhaps a touch of dehydration). It's amazing how much my body can sometimes react to what I put in it! I had to turn a 5.5-mile run into a slooooow 4-miler. I mean, don't get me wrong, the food was worth it, but it made me appreciate how cognizant I truly have to be about the day before a run to truly feel my best during a run! A slow 4-miler isn't the end of the world (or a training program), but if this was a scheduled speed workout or longer run, I would have been in T-rouble!


Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,

What a great blog - I saw it from your IM profile. I'm training for NYC 2007 and I know you've run it twice. I'm hoping to break 4:00 - any suggestions? You still in school? I have about another year, year and a half left and then I'm done (finally). Eric Dubowsky and I got married a couple of months ago - can you believe I am a Dubowsky? Go UR!

I'll be checking in with your blog to help motivate myself! If you're ever in NJ (and I don't know why you would be), give a holler!

Sarah Sullivan - your old roomie

Erin said...

Sarah, how great to hear from ya! I'm so happy for you and Eric - congrats!

You'll have a blast running NYC... my suggestion would be to find a training plan you can really stick with - especially be diligent about the long runs - and just have fun with it :)